Tuesday, 15 September 2015

My birth and pregnancy story ( Alex)

So - At 21 I had Alex - The whole pregnancy came as a massive shock to me and Daddy T. I was still living at home, with my parents. I found out I was having him at around 8 weeks! It completely threw us into panic,arguments with parents etc. As we had only been together for around 6 months and Daddy T didn't have a job ((he was still at college.)) We had to find our own place to live with no money! We relied on 2 nd hand things to get us by! I remember going to my 1st scan with Alex I knew nothing about pregnancy or birth or babies! None of my friends had children. And I didn't know what to expect at my first scan ((TBH I didn't think there was a baby in there)) We saw him and there he was this perfectly formed baby moving around on the screen...heart beating which looked like a butterfly! I couldn't believe it, Daddy T couldn't believe it! But he was there and he was real! With Alex my pregnancy other then the morning sickness was plain sailing! No problems at all! I must admit thou I didn't like pregnancy other then feeling baby move! I'm Rhesus Neg and had to have anti D jabs at certain points of my pregnancy.
The labour its self with Alex was only 2.5 hours! I was 40+2 when He was born! At 8.30pm  I remember sitting on the settee watching wild west ((of all films)) and I felt this click inside - as I still up this huge gush of water came out! I remember standing there looking down thinking oh god! Labour, Pain,need to do this that and the other. What should I do first? There was no pains at all then! I managed to get upstairs, ring my mum, hospital and change my trousers. Daddy T's mum showed up around 9.30pm and by this point I had terrible pains and off to the hospital we went. I can remember laid in the back seat of the car with these pains going on thinking if this is only 1-2cm dilated I wont see 9cm! We got into the hospital car park at around 10pm and upto delivery ward. By this point the pains where unbearable I seriously thought I was going to be in labour for hours on end! I remember climbing onto the bed and the midwife going through my notes asking questions. The pains where so close together no rest between each one. I remember thinking will she hurry up with the pain relief and check me over. In which she did by around 10.30pm ((think everyone was under the impression first baby she'll be on age's)) Next thing I know she hits this emergency button....hands me gas and air and said "this baby is ready to come". By this point another midwife walks in with her deliver tray and I was told to push! By 11.24pm he was born! All 8lbs 5oz of him! I was so shocked! But he was perfect and a little grey too!

Me and Alex he was only a few minutes old when this picture was took.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Product Review Shnuggle Bath.

Product Review - Shnuggle Bath.

So after posting a rather cute picture to my Instagram I've had a few people ask about the Shnuggle Bath! So I thought now would be a perfect time to add a review on it!
I love this little bath on the bottom is a bump for baby's bum to rest against...this helps them to sit in a more up right position! Leaving both hands free to bath baby. There's a grey none slip patch where babies back can lean against! Its a fair sized bath so should last baby a while! Noah loves it! And he loves bath time too! The thing I love about this bath is that it takes seconds to fill. I usually fill it inside the bath tub then lift Noah into it. But I also know people who life the tub out and use it in the middle of the bedroom or nursery! I do use bubble bath in it and it doesn't make the plastic slippy! I tend to clean it after Noah's bath once I've tipped the water out!

All in all I love it and think it costs around £20 which personally I think is reasonable for a baby bath. The only thing Id love to see change is a little Soap holder on it for his baby soap. :)

Anyway here's a photo of Noah enjoying his bath.

To shop for Shnuggle Baths and other products please visit -


My review is my own thoughts/comments on the Shnuggle Bath and not copied from another site.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

A little more about us.............

I thought id write a little bit more about us and share it with you guys.

So as you all now know, I've got 3 children all boys aged 10,3 and 6 months old!. My eldest ((Alex)) is currently in his last year at primary school. It's all go for him.  He's just gone back to school after the summer holidays and is now focusing on his SATs in the spring next year!. He's no idea what he'd like to do when he eventually leaves school. I think he's mainly going to concentrate on getting good grades before he makes any further decisions. He helps me loads with his 2 brothers. And considering he's 10 years old is very mature and sensible for his age ((for now anyway.))

My middle child ((Rowan)) is madness! He is currently at nursery 2.5 days per week. He is your typical boy and into everything. To be honest he is a little monster and when people comment and say "you don't get 2 alike" they where right! He's so energetic and full of life! Nothing like how Alex was when he was younger! He's ace thou and although he's not a angel I wouldn't change him for the world!

And....the baby of the family ((Noah)) 6 months old well we're just starting to see his personality now. And he reminds me of Alex in so many ways and a lot of people comment and say they can see Alex in him! We're currently starting to wean Noah so he's getting used to different tastes and textures - which is interesting to watch. He loves music! Mainly classical - which is odd cause we never listen to it nore did I when I was pregnant.

And..then there's me. I started "blogging" As I feel that I've been through so many experiences. Both as a mother and a person. I'd love to share these with people! I also wanted something to document my children's life's and give them something to look back on when they where older. Most of my time is spent with the kids, but I do work part time in a pub and I am starting a course for Maths and English this month - which I'm looking forward too! (( mainly cause my English and maths are horrendous and I want to be able to support Alex more in his school life.))

So that's a little more about us!

Please follow me on instagram or Facebook -



Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Hi everyone,

I'm mummy T - 32 years old from North East England! I'm a mummy to 3 children aged 10, 3 and 6 months old. As you can Imagen life for us is pretty hectic but, I love being a mum to 3 (all boys.) I do work part time ((weekends)) but I am off for a few days during the week and love to spend with my boys and hopefully BLOG! :)

I have a fair few experiences to share with you all. Of course my day to day life, but also I'd love to share my experiences and share my other stories with you all as I feel I have been through a fair few things in my time (Gosh that makes me sound old)! I also have some reviews to share here ( currently also on my facebook page) I have had the fantastic opportunity to work for the mother&baby awards this year -  which I have been sent baby products to review at home along with some friends.

 We're just at the end of the summer holidays now and I have a little more time on my hands to enable me to blog and start on blogger. I started blogging around May time and currently have a facebook page and instagram account. But would love to expand! I'm not very good at computers but, I'm willing to learn! After hunting for info on blogging for beginners I came accross the tots100 web site and followed instructions there. And here I am!

Thank you for reading this short intro and if your on Facebook or Instagram come along and say Hi (links below)

Mummy T x

Facebook link -

Instagram - Tingle. Rachel