Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Munchkin White Hot safety spoons - Review -

I thought it was time for me to blog again with a product review. This time we've been using the White Hot Safety Spoons by Munchkin. It's currently the Baby Event at our local Asda and they had  a 4 pack for £2 so, I picked a pack up to try them out - plus Noah needed some new spoons.

The first thing I noticed about the spoons where there super long handles, I really wasn't sure how Noah would manage trying to feed himself with them being so long. But on the packaging it advised that there suitable from 3 months + - I can honestly say he's managed really well using them and I have found them easier also. The are all very brightly coloured and the spoon part is super soft and flexible for gums. But here's the smart part about them, the spoon part of them change's colour when in hot foods (or liquids such as gravy / watery home made custard) - which I thought was really good! When the colour disappear's from the spoon, this is a indication that the food is too hot. Which is pretty smart. Of course I still check his food even when the colour hasn't all gone from the spoon just to be sure. But over all I think it's a good idea especially if your on the go and just not sure if the foods still hot, even when its been left to cool slightly. The colour does return to the spoon once the food cooled down.

So, I really do like these and I think there a good idea! Here's a link to their on - line shop.

I've got photos below of the spoons in use but this is with hot water (just as a demo so you can see what happens to them.)

Thanx for reading everyone!

Mummy - T

The Spoons before the warm water was added to the bowl.

The Spoons after they where in the warm water for 1 minute.
The spoons just after the water was added.
Removed from the water and colour returning.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Loyalty clubs/ vouches/ coupons and offers. My top picks.

 I found that through out my pregnancy I was handed lots of leaflets more of which was in the bounty packs (along with lots of samples to try!) I found some clubs didn't give you anything apart from spam to email and junk mail through the letterbox! 

So, seems as having children and a baby is so expensive I thought id write a blog about which are my bests companies to join that have been really rewarding and I would recommend to other parents.

 So here are my top ones which have never stopped giving! 

Cow&Gate baby club - I signed up to this when I was pregnant with Rowan! There's a fabulous  on - line community and also on - line chat option with professionals for help / advice. When I was pregnant I got the little cuddle cow, pregnancy diary and lots of helpful information through the post. When I started weaning the boys I also received lots of coupons for the different Jar's of baby food and breakfast cereals! I also received a weaning plan too with recipe ideas in. Which all came in handy and I saved a small fortune! 

Pampers Nappies - I'm sure with these a sent back a slip in the post and they now send me coupons for pampers nappy's You can only claim these coupons at Tesco stores, but still a little bit of a money saver over time!

Johnson baby wipes (( baby club)) -  On the packs of baby wipes is a code which you type into their web site ( You get points for the different codes  ( I think its 5 points per pack of wipes) - once you have so many points you can swap them for baby things such as books, and even baby swimming lessons ( See Picture below.) Iv just recently found this baby club when I actually reading the side of the wipes (which iv never done). I've recently hit points needed to get a gift so ill update how it was and what was sent out to me later. This is more of a loyalty scheme then coupons etc but I thought it was worth giving it a mention.

Boots Parenting Club - I LOVE this one! It's definitely a favourite with me. I got asked to join the baby club while in-store (after I had Noah). I thought id give it a go I can honestly say it's been really good! I got a free baby changing bag when I purchased some pampers nappies. I got double points for my advantage card and I receive all sorts of vouches through the post including 25% off the mini mode clothing and buy one get one free on wipes ((boots own brand))! This has been great and the dates on the vouchers last a while so there plenty of time to get products. I can honestly say I wish I knew about this club when pregnant!

So these are my top ones! ((So far)) If anyone else knows of any-more please message me and ill join up and add them in here!

This photo is the Baby Club over at Johnsons (link in blog ^^)

Thanx for reading

Mummy T


Thursday, 14 January 2016

Our experience of bronchiolitis.

With it being the winter season I thought id write a blog on winter illnesses - I wanted to share our story and experiences of bronchiolitis which both Rowan and Noah has had. I should point out thou that I'm not a Dr and I'm just posting as I personally had never heard of it until Rowan was admitted to hospital - which was where I found it was quiet common!

This is our story!

As I said at the start both Noah and Rowan have had it! Rowan spent his first Christmas in hospital with it! He started a few days with a cold but it seemed a heavy cold. Of course at a young age you put it down to teething! At first he had cold like symptoms - runny nose, cough, temperature but he didn't really seem to get better but seemed to get worse. He wasn't feeding as well as he normally would. I was warned with Rowan being almost 6 weeks early to keep a extra close eye on him. So I felt it was time to get him checked over so I rang the 111 helpline, who told me to go up-to my nearest A&E. It was xmas eve and not a place I really wanted to visit but he needed to be seen so off we went. They where very good at the hospital. I explained what was wrong and what my concerns where. The did Rowan's pule and oxygen rates which had cause for concern. By this point also his chest was sucked in and he seemed to be head bobbing. So they admitted us to the children's ward. He was struggling to breath and needed to be put on oxygen and kept in. I got to stay with him. We had a room with a cot in and bed and Rowan was kept on oxygen until Christmas day/ night and then discharged on boxing day. The staff where fantastic and explained what bronchiolitis was - It can be different causes most of which viral. Bronchiolitis is a common lung infection. It mainly affects young children and is a common cause of wheezing in children and difficulty in breathing due to the swelling of the airways which lead to the lungs. I had never heard of bronchiolitis before and the children's ward was full of babies as young as 4 weeks old. They kept a close eye on Rowan while in hospital doing checks every few hours. He did improve and was discharged on boxing day along with a inhaler and spacer. I did find that we had to use this for around 2 weeks after being admitted as the cough and wheeze did tend to linger. I must admit it was awful having him in hospital he was only months old and having him hooked upto al-sorts of monitors and tubes etc was horrible! But I was told it was just one of those things! And quite common. Rowan did have a lot of chest problems after this and does seem to get croup a lot too which requires steroids and a visit to hospital. I'm not sure if him being a little early baby is a contribution to the problems he has. 

Noah has also had bronchiolitis but not as bad as Rowan had it. Luckily he was not admitted to hospital but I did ring the 111 helpline for advice and was seen by a Dr at our local urgent care centre he gave Noah a inhaler and spacer. Noah didn't have low levels nore was struggling to breath, so there was no need for him to be admitted to the children's ward. To be honest he just seemed to have a bad cold and slight wheeze - which never got any worse but also didn't seem to get any better.I found with Noah I wasn't sure to ring for advice or just to wait a few day's, but knowing my past experience I knew not to just let it ride out and go and get checked or a opinion at least. As you can see off reading both storeys that bronchiolitis can be both mild and serious in babies / young children. I'm a firm believer in "mum knows best" and if you have a gut feeling then always act upon it.

After Noah being poorly with it i decided to look into it a bit more on the net and came accross a web site called more than a cold. Its really informative and well worth a look! Here's the link -

Thanx for reading

Mummy T 


Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Happy New year!

After the madness of December, Christmas and New Year. We're finally in January! My boys are all back to school/nursery and the house is back to normal! Finally! I do love Christmas, but it's so nice to get back to normal! I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year.!
Ours was hectic! I worked more shifts, and only had Christmas Day off!

We had some lovely days out though over the Holidays and in December. One of Which was the Polar Express. We booked up to go on the Weardale one. I live around 30 mins from the station so it wasn't too far from us. I booked us up in October on standard seats! We where really looking forward to it, it's based around the film The Polar Express and one of the best things about it is you can go in your PJ's ((which the boys did)). The train ride its self was fab, They serve hot chocolate and cookies while your on the train. The staff read/tell the story and show the book to all passengers while you head to the North Pole. It follows the story line from the Polar Express and the staff are dressed as the singing chefs as well as the conductor. It really is a magical experience. All 3 boys really loved it including Alex (who has started to doubt if Santa's real). Santa was great as was the North Pole and elf's. Santa climbs aboard the train and talks to each child and gives each child a bell from his sleigh  The staff also aboard the train where great involved all the children. They made time to talk to all the children asking what they wished for Christmas etc. We all sang songs and also played games (adults too). It was a great atmosphere and I'd highly recommend it! The journey lasts around 1 hour and we where entertained through out the whole journey. I will add some pictures on this blog of our day there's also some on Instagram too. I have been on the Polar express before around 4 years ago! This was the first year it ran and there was a big difference this time around in respects of crowd control and queuing for tickets etc. I found this time around a lot better then the first - We travelled first class last time (there was just Alex and me as Rowan was only 2 months old) I can honestly say that apart from the china keep sake polar express cup there is really no difference between First class and Standard travel on the train.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and Santa was good to you all. Thanx for everyone support and reading my blogs! All the best to you all for 2016.

Thanx for reading

Mummy T
