Thursday, 1 October 2015

Birth Story - Rowan.

My Next pregnancy was with Rowan. After trying ((and thinking that it would never happen, it did! Hence the huge age gap between Rowan and Alex of 6 years)) With Rowan I had terrible bleeds, countless scans and countless visits to hospitals! I found I was pregnant with Rowan very early on I had a bleed and went for a early scan - which was internal! They eventually found him and there on the screen appeared a blob - no heartbeat! They weren't sure of which way things where going to go! I had to return in 2 weeks to see if his heart had started beating - things looked promising as there was a yolk sac but I was early by a matter of a couple of weeks. I did return to the hospital and Rowans heat was flickering away I think by this time I was around 6/7 weeks.
 As I mentioned in Alex's pregnancy. I'm Rhesus Neg and needed anti D jab so each time I had a bleed with Rowan off I went to hospital to be checked over,scan and a shot of anti D. (( all fun and games.))We where never away with bleeds and I reached 35 weeks and started to bleed quite badly. I was admitted to hospital but not actually in labour or having pains. By the Monday the bleeding was still bad if not worse so they planned to keep me until it stopped, I did have a scan in this time and Rowan was fine and the bleeding was down to a erosion. It got to the Tuesday night, I was still in hospital! No sign or word when I was coming home! Daddy T left me on the ward after visiting hours. I couldn't keep still after he left kept walking around the ward. I was still bleeding, and started getting pains. I remember walking to the nurses station to let a midwife know I was in pain. She said they where practice contractions and to have a hot bath and get into bed. The bath made it worse, but It didn't feel like labour! I was on a little ward with 4 other pregnant women 2 of which where due c-sections the following day. I had a little nap but felt these pains where getting worse, so off I went to the nurses station around 1.00am. I was told to go back to my bed and she'd come and put me on the monitor to see what was going on. I remember sitting on the bed, trying not to say a word as didn't want to wake the other women!. She came along ((not in any rush)) hooked me up, turned the heartbeat sound on low. And left me there for around 20mins....alone. She came back at 1.50am looked at the tracking paper. Next thing I know I was in the delivery suite. I had nothing with me no mobile,no bag as it was all on the ward still! I was in labour and I asked for Daddy T to be called as I knew it was a 15min drive from home, plus he needed to drop Alex off. The labour room was full with 4 midwifes. I was told to move onto the bed in there (which was almost impossible) at this point my waters broke. I remembered the feeling of clicking from inside and they went with a gush. Rowan followed my waters and was born 2.13am. Daddy T missed the birth and I had no time for pain relief. It was a massive shock. Rowan didn't need any special care ((thankfully))! He weighed 5 bls 15 oz. We did stay in the hospital till the Friday. He has had his fair share of health problems since birth mainly chest problems and we spent his first xmas in hospital which was awful! He also had a dairy allergy which thankfully he's grown out of now! He still quite tiny is Rowan even now. But he has a massive personality.

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